Low Dose Earth Energy Is Beneficial

Low-Dose Radiation can be beneficial: learn how the size of the dose is critical to the result.

On this page we’ll provide you with information on (and links to) studies that show how beneficial low doses of earth energy can be. There is a lot of detail below (and in the referenced articles) but the important thing to note is that a low-dose of earth energy is actually beneficial. Many things can be toxic if given in a large enough dose. Here’s an important quote on this topic:

All substances are poisons; there is none that is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.
Paracelsus  (1493-1541)

Paracelsus was a Swiss alchemist and physician. We’ve known about this truth for a very long time. A glass of wine can be very nice but drinking a large quantity of wine or other types of liquor can be fatal. Taking a Tylenol can relieve your headache but taking two extra strength Tylenol 4 times a day leads to an overdose and possible liver damage.

Earth Energy Is Natural And It’s All Around Us
Earth energy (also commonly referred to by the scary terms radiation or radioactivity) is an everyday fact of life. We are exposed to earth energy from some of our food (e.g. bananas), from radon gas from the earth, from medical examinations (e.g. x-rays) and from other sources. The important thing is the size of the dose that we receive (and how concentrated it is over a short period of time). On average, we may receive an annual dose of 4 msv (according to a Danish Health Authority document). If you have an X-Ray or a CT scan, it could be quite a bit higher.

What Is A Low Dose?
The arbitrary government threshold for a “safe” annual exposure (as applied to an item such as a pendant) is 1 msv (milli sievert) per year. A study published by the US National Library Of Medicine showed that most pendants tested were actually below that artificially low threshold. All were less than 3 msv per year. Is this a dangerous /  harmful level? We don’t believe so. The studies referenced below support that.

Here are a couple of charts that put this in perspective:

Sensational Stories In The Press
Intentionally provocative headlines such as “Anti-5G Pendant Actually Causes Harmful Radiation…” have caused alarm for those who haven’t dug into it a bit deeper. There are actually two interesting aspects to this. The first is that the use of the word “harmful” is based on arbitrary low limits that don’t directly relate to case studies or a history of actual problems. I will provide more very pertinent information on that below. The second is the companion statement in the article that states “…there’s no evidence that 5G is a harm to your health.” I won’t try to make a case against 5G however; there are large corporate interests that would certainly not want to see such evidence become public. 5G increases the number of cell transmitters significantly over 4G so if there is any risk with 4G, it will probably increase with 5G.

Studies Showing Low-Dose Earth Energy Is Beneficial
There have been credible studies that show the benefits of low-dose earth energy (radiation) but unfortunately, those haven’t resulted in changes to the arbitrary government view that any amount of radiation is a risk. Here is some evidence in favor of low-dose radiation:

  • Low Dose Radiation Increases Longevity And Reduces Incidence Of Cancer
    In a July 2002 article published in the British Journal of Radiology, Professor John R. Cameron made the case that a moderate annual dose of radiation increases longevity. As evidence of this, he showed that British radiologists who entered the field between 1955 and 1979 had a 29 percent lower cancer death rate compared to all other male English physicians of the same age. Radiologists also had a 36 percent lower death rate from non-cancer causes and a 32 percent lower death rate from all causes. The chance of such a health improvement being accidental is less than one in a thousand, he said. In addition, Cameron discussed similar news from a U.S. government sponsored study that he participated in which shows that the 28,000 nuclear shipyard workers with the greatest radiation doses, when compared to 32,500 shipyard workers who had no on-the-job radiation, had significantly less cancer and a 24 percent lower death rate from all causes. That is, the nuclear workers had an almost three-year increase in longevity, Cameron says. The chance of that health improvement being accidental is less than one in 10 million billion.
    Professor Outlines Benefits Of Low-Dose Radiation — ScienceDaily

  • There is little doubt that the present regulatory burden should be reduced
    In a 2018 article published in PubMed under the auspices of the US National Library Of Medicine – National Institutes Of Health, the case was made that the current government regulations (for radiation based on Linear No Threshold – LNT) are not appropriate and should be changed. These are the same type of regulations that apply in other countries such as Denmark (which was the main focus of the article that appeared in PC Magazine). In the Conclusion of the article, they state:
    There is a growing body of evidence that low-dose radiation, such as used in X-ray imaging including CT, actually promotes health rather than poses risk. In light of the new data, LNT is considered at least doubtful (and often—obsolete) by a growing number of researchers.
    Health Impacts of Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation: Current Scientific Debates and Regulatory Issues (nih.gov)

It should also be noted that the experience with people exposed to low-dose radiation from the Fujushima disaster in Japan supports the findings of the studies referenced above. The United Nations Scientific Committee On The Effects Of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), after a two year assessment of the levels and effects of radiation exposure from the accident declared that “…future health effects directly related to radiation exposure are unlikely to be discernible.” See Section 4 of the report.
Future health effects directly related to radiation exposure are unlikely to be discernible